Invented by Hallmark. An excuse to inflate the price of red roses. A reason to bump up the cost of a fixed menu in a sleazy restaurant. Another chance for society to take a swipe at the broken-hearted. Yes, all of those things it is. But Valentines Day is also a good opportunity for us to remember how much love there is in our lives. Not just from spouses or partners, but from our parents, our siblings, our friends. And... dare I say it ... our crazy pets!
Today's blog is dedicated to my darling Hank who has made my new life in DC absolutely wonderful. I gave up a lot to be with him and he makes every minute of it worthwhile.
I am the happiest lady in the world. If this is as good as it gets, baby, that's absolutely fine with me!
And for those of you reading this blog who are single and maybe looking for that special someone, Valentines Day is the best night to get out there. Don't hide at home with a hot water bottle and a tub of Haagen Dazs. Go to a bar and see who is not draped over the arm of another person. I guarantee you, that person is single. How many other nights of the year can you make that assumption?
And, as I mentioned in my entry on the Secret of a Happy Marriage, you can be sure that good relationships only come along when you are absolutely happy with being single:
Someone once said there shouldn't be a day of love like Valentine's but instead a day of hate; so for one day in the year you tell people what you really think of them and love them the other 364, instead of the other way around, like we have at the moment.
ReplyDelete"You can be sure that good relationships only come along when you are absolutely happy with being single"
ReplyDeleteSo true!!