Wednesday, 9 March 2011

In the UK again

So here I am back in the UK, playing with my friends' chocolate labrador and dreaming of Tock.  Tock has been "revarnishing" the hallway floor now that he is home alone every afternoon since I left DC.  So I've booked a return flight to DC for Tuesday and am just hoping that the nice US Immigration Officer will let me in just one last time under the Visa Waiver, since my final spousal/fiance visa is still several months away.  That visa will not be ready until I've completed lots more forms, an interview with the US Consulate in London, received a UK Police check, shelled out about $600 in addition to the $450 the Embassy already charged us and undergone a medical including x-rays and an "external genital inspection", no less.  I can't leave the dog (or Hank!) for long enough to do all that in one UK trip, however curious I am to see if my external genitalia can stop immigration traffic in its tracks.  So I will try to leave London on Tuesday and let's see how far we get on a Waiver and a prayer...

Trying to distract myself from this visa nonsense, I've just had a great evening reminiscing about Vegas with some of the London-based guests who were kind enough to fly out specially for the ceremony.  Hank and I are truly privileged to have so many people love us enough to fly all that way.  I've honestly never had as much fun in my life as we did in Vegas.  And certainly never had as many late nights in a row before!  Even the times when I thought, ok, let's take it easy (Sunday afternoon?) turned into party marathons.  Because our guests threw themselves into the spirit of Vegas, it never felt like a drag to me no matter how tired or jet-lagged I was feeling; I hope the other guests felt the same.  Vegas really only is as good as the company you keep and we were in the best company a bride could possibly hope for.  I am still grinning from ear to ear.  You guys rock.


  1. I recently moved to Atlanta from London, having finally made it through the K-1 visa application process. The forms etc. really are a hack! However, I really psyched myself up to the medical examination, only to find that it's really not that bad. The Doctor I saw seemed to be a very sour lady, but at no point was she rude, nor did she ever make me feel uncomfortable.

    Good luck with the rest of the application process!

  2. Thanks Anthony. This waiting game sucks - if only I could be certain about traveling under the Visa Waiver while they process the K visa. Every time I book a flight it's a really expensive gamble!

  3. Not sure anyone would respond to my prayers, but I am praying for you. Vegas was a total... trip! Literally and figuratively. We miss you in DC and hope you come back soon.
    And I love that you have "funny," "interesting," and "cool" as possible feedback. No... this sucked, bad job Georgia, or lame. Wonder how Hank feels about the restricted options for feedback ;-) kisses!

  4. Hee hee yes these feedback options were the only three offered by this blog site. I'm not complaining as blogspot hosts my stuff for free, but it probably does seem egotistical.

    Hey, good timing, though - I just wrote an entry about you and the missing dog!


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