This macaque monkey stole a tourist's camera and took his own picture with it in a national park in Indonesia. Perhaps this monkey is in the wrong job?
Perhaps a lot of us are in the wrong job.
I've been thinking today about something so personal and - frankly- dark I find it hard to talk about it in all but the most public of forums. So it falls to my private online memoirs - this here blog - to explore this in depth.
You see, I've been nursing a growing feeling that I might not actually be very good at things.
This suspicion stems from several unforced errors I've made in the workplace recently: an e-invite sent to the wrong person here; a phone number mis-transcribed there. Two or three times a day. Is it just me who makes mistakes this frequently?
In my new job I send up to 60 emails a day, often completing over 50 transactions, across two computer monitors, and covering up to three team-members' inboxes in addition to my own. So perhaps that's why I'm making more mistakes. Perhaps that's all it is: tiredness.
But maybe ... well... maybe humans aren't supposed to be in a job where we are required to be 100% accurate 100% of the time in such a relentlessly busy role? Or perhaps only certain humans are. Like, ones who care...?
Hmmm, this will subject require more thought, monkey features. Hold that pose!
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