Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Reader: I married him

Hank and I finally got hitched this weekend in a park in Maryland on a beautiful autumnal day. Absent friends notwithstanding, it was perfect and we washed down the wedding port with a few slices of pizza back at our house.

So this explains - I hear you cry! - why your favourite blogger has been silent for two weeks.  Yes, the visa arrived quickly, when it finally arrived, and then my brilliant boss released me early from the London office and allowed me to work for him from the DC office, but on a UK contract.  Since I'm not yet permitted to work for any company on a US contract, all in all, things could not have worked out better.  I still get paid, I make work contacts in DC, am not breaking the law and ... I am here in my real home with Hank.

By complete coincidence, at the London team meeting today our Director played a short video to remind us that sometimes life throws us a bitter pill to swallow - a lesson which ultimately proves that we are more resilient and creative than we ever knew possible.  Never have I heard a clearer message that I must follow my heart wherever it takes me ... and finally my heart has taken me to my wonderful Hank, our lovely home and a great, new professional network.

It wouldn't be fair to leave you hanging there, would it?  So here it is, the 2005 Stanford commencement speech by the late Steve Jobs - and I encourage you all to heed his words about how to deal with life's painful detours:

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect the dots looking back.   So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.... 
Believing that the dots will connect somewhere down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart and that will make all the difference."  


  1. This was a wonderful post to read. Congratulations! I felt so much happiness reading how you and your *husband* can now be properly together, in your home, and that you are able to work, too. It's funny how things can suddenly slot into place. The joining-the-dots reference is perfect. Have a fantastic time settling into DC life.

  2. Congratulations, I am a fan of the Jobs speech too! :-)

  3. Thanks, Eve and Paul for your kind comments. It is so wonderful to be settled in DC now. I love my new life!


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